Interview: “This Season of Fresh Loss: The Millions Interviews Katie Runde.”
by Matthew Zanoni Müller at The Millions.
“I can imagine this book as a love letter to coastal communities, as a source of comfort and recognition for those who have faced similar travails with an ill family member, and as odes to first love and the complexities of parenting. . .”
Interview: “Following Each Dangling Thread:” An Interview with Karen Tucker about Her Debut Novel Bewilderness, and Writing about the Restaurant Industry, Friendship, and Addiction”
by Matthew Zanoni Müller in The Missouri Review
“My favorite protagonists are sloppy, flawed people. My favorite people are flawed and sloppy. I happen to be someone who very much wants to be liked as well as someone who turns out to be quite unlikeable with regrettable frequency. . .”
Mini Interview and Story
A mini interview with me is up at NANO Fiction. Plus you can listen to a recording of my story, "Presence," which is in issue 7.1.
Feature: “How a literature program helps families in court foster communication” - in The Berkshire Eagle.
There's a fun little feature on the writing space I used to have, when I was an adjunct, at Toasted Cheese Literary Journal.